Friday, June 27, 2008

Why I want to be in the Panto

I've always loved the Panto, and re-discovered it four years ago. I watched it thinking "wow!". The following year I watched it thinking "Hmmm, I wonder if I could do that?" but had too much going on in the next two years to even try. Finally this year I'm going to go audition and give it a shot.

I can remember seeing Edward Mercieca on stage when I was about six years old, as the evil wizard in the Panto - he had a glowing plasma ball and he was really scary, and what better childhood memory could you ask for?

The traditions are a big part of the magic - the throwing of sweets to the audience, the humiliation of an adult male audience member, the kids on stage trying to remember what they got for Christmas, the Dame, the principal boy, booing the baddies, "look behind you!", the audience sing-song at the end, "Be nice to each other!" - there's just so many! Spotting them in the Panto is like recognising an old friend in a crowd.

Then of course there's the fact that it's just plain FUN. The political satire, the not-so-subtle cultural and societal commentary, the singing and dancing, the daft henchmen, the evil baddie, the Dame, the Dame, the Dame, it's just a great show.

So, will this be the year that I get to be IN the Panto? The audition dates have been announced as being the 12th and 13th of July (I found out via Facebook because I let my MADC subscription lapse!) and I'm wondering what song to sing that would convince anyone watching that I should be in the cast *grin*

I'm sorry that the show has been moved to Ta' Qali this year, because for me (and I guess for most) the Pantomime and the Manoel Theatre go together and I've never performed at the Manoel before. But hey, at least I'd be spared having to use the Manoel's dressing rooms!

I really hope this will work out, being in the Panto would be so cool...

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