Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Interview: Maxine

Name: Maxine Calleja Urry
Panto Role: Chorus
Non-Panto Role: Disaffected Student

How did you come to be in the theatre scene?
Well it started when I was nine years old. Edward Mercieca from Fagin's Drama School was on the lookout for new students, and he was friends with my uncle.

And after that?
About a year later, I started going to Stagecoach Theatre Arts School. It was my idea, no-one pushed me. In the meantime I had tried all kinds of things – horseriding, pottery, arts and crafts – but nothing 'stuck'. Drama kind of stuck - it was lots of fun. I was actually very, very shy and introverted when I was younger (cue snorts from Maxine's friends). No, it's true! But drama helped me with that!

How about Panto, how did you come to be involved in it?
I had always wanted to be in the Panto, ever since I watched my first one - Sinbad the Sailor. I was very young, about five years old, but I remember being scared out of my wits, terrified I'd get eaten. I remember walking out of the theatre afterwards thinking, “Good, I didn't get eaten!”.
I've watched every single MADC Panto since then, and once I began going to drama school I started to think, “I could be on stage doing that!”. Actually I went to audition when I was thirteen years old, only to find out that was too young so I had to go back home!

What is your favourite genre in theatre?
It's definitely musicals, they're my comfort zone. I was brought up listening to musicals such as Jesus Christ Superstar, and I love to sing, so I feel more comfortable with musicals than with straight plays. I love being in Panto because it's a good experience, the people are so much fun, and it's a nice thing to do over Christmas. And you get to scare kiddies!

What has been your most embarassing theatrical moment so far?
When I was twelve years old, I was singing with the school choir on stage, and I had a solo. Half-way through my solo, I forgot all the lyrics! I just stood there gaping like a goldfish, like a deer caught in headlights! Mind you, that was the last time I ever completely forgot my lines... it was the last time I ever fatally fluffed, knock on wood. *raps on the parquet floor*

What has been your best theatrical experience so far?
So far the best was the first main part I ever got in a big show. I was fifteen years old and Stagecoach were putting on a production of Bugsy Malone. I auditioned but I never expected I'd get a main part, I never thought I'd be good enough and I was expecting to be in the chorus. So when I got the letter telling me I had been chosen as the leading lady, I was really surprised as well as excited. It feels even better when you don't see these things coming!

And what has been your worst theatrical experience?
The worst was the first time I was ever turned down for a show I had auditioned for. I was thirteen or fourteen, and I don't even remember what show it was, but I remember getting the rejection letter and being completely broken up about it.

And finally, what has been your most special theatrical experience?
That during rehearsals for last year's Panto, I started going out with my boyfriend, Nathan! We would go around Valletta during the breaks between morning rehearsals and evening rehearsals. It was romance at the Manoel! Now Panto reminds me of that and just makes everything even more special.

If you could play any role at all, in any production, what would it be?
I would love to play Elphaba in Wicked! It's my dream role, if only I could sing it! Otherwise I would like to play Cathy in 'The Last Five Years'. These are both strong leading women with strong voices and interesting roles instead of just being damsels in distress!

If you could give one piece of advice to a person thinking about getting involved in the world of theatre, what would it be?
Enthusiasm! If you try hard enough at it, you will get there eventually. You might not be the best but at least you can be the best that you can be. There's no point in giving up because you're not the best in the cast. Really it's more about the people you'll meet than about the roles you'll get! Also, be very, very humble because if you're very full of yourself then when you lose a role it hurts more.

Say something nice about someone else in the cast.
I love my boyfriend Nathan!

And lastly... what's a phrase that will now forever remind you of this year's Panto?
Ħaqq it-tiġieġ bil-kulur!

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