Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pass the anti-bacterial lozenges, please.

Well it turned out that my sore throat wasn't really due to the singing rehearsal - it was a precursor to a nasty cold. By the time the next singing rehearsal rolled around, I couldn't speak in more than a croak, but I went anyway. I can still follow without singing, and let's face it, if this happened during the run then I'd still have to go on stage and convincingly fake it!

Luckily enough, the medicines I invested in to see my through my cold worked, and since it didn't hurt I did sing, albeit slightly more husky and with less volume than usual.

The singing for Panto is coming along really well - Maestro Paul is putting together lots of voices in harmony lines that sound amazing together. Apparently half this year's Panto cast was also in Voices, so that probably helps, lol.

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