Monday, October 20, 2008

Up in the rafters

Singing rehearsal today, with our Maestro Paul Abela.

I don't officially know whether I am alto, soprano, etc. One singing teacher said I was an alto, another said I was a soprano. I dunno. No-one ever took the time to really check my range. So when the Maestro told us to group ourselves by voice, I consulted with a fellow chorus member who has sung with me before, and decided to go with the average, i.e. declare myself a mezzo.

Maybe I should have classified myself as an alto instead, because our Maestro had the mezzo section singing ridiculously high, lol. I enjoyed the singing, but with all the voices going on I'm having trouble picking out my starting note. I guess I need to sit down and figure it out. For now I can get help by listening to the other people standing next to me singing the same voice, but, erm, I won't be able to do that when we're all spread out over the stage and dancing (especially since most of the time I'm dancing with a bass!).

My throat hurts a bit now, because I pushed it too much trying to belt the high bits. Note to self: try not to kill voice.

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