Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coming together

At the MFCC, the crew is basically building a theatre around a stage inside a tent.

The orchestra pit has been constructed, and access to the stage from various points. The framework inside the tent is handy for hanging things from (like lighting rigs), but additional framework was needed to form the wings where the sets, props and actors are kept until needed. The seating had to be constructed too – that's where I'm sitting right now. The seats are all right, and I'm pleased that there's decent legroom.

The whole thing is really taking shape – what a difference to how it looked a couple of days ago!

Although I got to see a lot of the sets and props while they were being made in the clubhouse back in Santa Venera, the final assembly is only being done now, and I'm having lots of 'aaaah!' moments as I see bits and pieces put together to form something big and incredible.

Right now we're having a lighting rehearsal. The opening scene looks absolutely spectacular. Seeing the main elements together with the lighting and the special effects (even without the costumes, sets and music) is already magical. This is going to be a great show!

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