Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interview: Marvic

Name: Marvic Okoh
Panto role: Assistant Stage Manager
Non-Panto Role: PSD teacher and mummy to Sam

How did you get into theatre?
A friend of mine was in a show, and I went to help with a quick costume change. Someone in the show fell sick and I was literally dumped on stage! I tripped and nearly choked... it was a non-speaking part, in a comedy, and I managed to do it. Eventually I was given a main part in the next show. After being on stage, later I shifted to working backstage because it gives me more satisfaction (but more responsibility!).

And then how did you get into Panto?
Lino knew me through theatre elsewhere, and he contacted me and asked me to be the ASM for a Panto, because I had already been doing ASM for several years in other shows. This will be my fifth Panto!

Why do you keep coming back to Panto?
Because it's fun!

What has been your best experience in theatre?
I don't have just one best experience, because every show has something that makes it great, each one is an experience!

What about your worst theatrical experience?
That would be Sound of Music – it was my first show as an ASM, and one night I opened the curtain for the curtain call with the actors still up on the mountain! Well, they were up still up there because of a technical problem, but it was still a bad experience for me.

How about your most embarrassing theatrical experience?
During last year's Panto, Pirates of the Mediterranean, I was really sick just before the show opened. On the first night, I signed myself out of hospital and cued the show while throwing up in the box...

And how about your most special experience in theatre?
That was also in last year's Panto. I was cuing the flying scene and it was magical to watch!

This is your chance to say something nice about someone in the cast or crew:
The backstage crew are great! They are always so helpful and they're a really good team!

What is a phrase that will, now and forever, always remind you of this Panto?
The chain call is NOT WORKING!

If you could give advice to someone just starting out in theatre, what would it be?
Never give up, always keep trying – you never know when it will be your turn!

Anything you'd like to add?
Come and watch us!!!

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