Saturday, December 20, 2008

In appreciation of the chorus

The current mood of the chorus is universal to each member. And it is almost exclusively expressed in unprintable words, so unfortunately I can't detail them here.

The chorus is unappreciated – but we can deal with that. We deal with it by communally commiserating with each other because, let's face it, no-one else wants to know. We work our socks off and hardly ever get praised – but we can deal with that. We praise each other, we congratulate each other, and we look out for each other. United against those who do nothing but criticise and verbally abuse us, we become stronger, muahahaha.

Today is one of those days when we feel hard done by. We were called in very early for an intensive rehearsal to clean up some straggly bits in the dances, two-and-a-half hours including the time spent standing around waiting for everyone to arrive. We are sweating, we are tired, we are wilting, we want supper and showers and we will get neither. And now we are expected to put on our happy faces and exude energy on stage. Well, we'll put on those happy faces because we know how to be professional, but backstage we are not at all happy. At least misery loves company and right now it's got lots of it.

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